Playground and Basketball Court opening guidelines
Capehart Playground COVID-19 Guidance
The Center for Disease Control has released updated guidance for visiting parks and recreation facilities. BangorHousing recommends the following guidelines to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 while using its play structures and basketball courts.
- If you are sick, have tested positive for COVID-19, were recently exposed (within 14 days) to someone with COVID-19, or don’t feel well, please do not visit the PlayPark.
- Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet away from people you don’t live with.
- Please bring and use your own hand sanitizer whenever possible or when hand washing is not readily available. Hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol and hands should be rubbed together until dry.
- Hand washing or sanitizing should be done before and after using play structures or other facilities.
Play Structures
Carefully consider the use of play structures. They are difficult to keep clean and sanitize and often are crowded and make social distancing difficult. If you choose to use a play structure, help children follow these guidelines:
- Maintain a distance of six feet from people you don’t live with.
- Children should not touch their hands to their eye, nose, or mouth when using play structures. COVID-19 can be spread when young children touch contaminated objects and then touch their face.
- Wear a cloth face covering if you can and when social distancing cannot be accomplished.
- Cloth face coverings should not be placed on:
- Children under age 2.
- Anyone who has trouble breathing
- Anyone who is unconscious, can’t move, or is otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance.
Basketball Court
The CDC continues to identify team sport activities as a higher risk activity for the spread of COVID-19. Smaller, skill based, activities are a lower risk. Large, full court game play is not recommended as this is a higher risk activity for the spread of COVID-19. BangorHousing recommends using basketball courts with the following guidelines:
- Cover coughs or sneezes using the inside of the elbow. No spitting.
- Do not congregate in large groups.
- Avoid touching your face after handling a ball.
- Do not make physical contact with other players. Try and maintain physical distancing whenever possible.
- If you arrive and the court is crowded, consider an alternate court location.