BangorHousing encourages residents to join the Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS)
BangorHousing is encouraging its residents to join the Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS). The FSS Program is an employment and savings program for families that combines a powerful savings incentive with services and coaching to support residents to reach their goals. In other words, FSS can help families to save money and build towards a better future.
In the FSS program you set your own goals and work with an FSS coach to achieve them. Goals may include going back to school, obtaining a HiSet or job training, starting a business, paying down debt, or even buying a home.
You will also receive an interest-bearing account called the FSS escrow account. This account is a powerful way to save for the goals you set in the program. In the FSS program you are rewarded when you earn money at work. When you, or a household member, increase your earned income (by a raise, new job, or extra hours) you get to save a part of your monthly rent increase. BangorHousing will automatically deposit a portion of your monthly rent increase into your FSS escrow account. This program does not change the amount of rent that you are required to pay. Instead, it puts part of your rent in an account for your future goals. You receive the money saved in the account when you complete the program.
The FSS program has two required goals on top of whatever goals the family sets for themselves. They are 1) to be working to the best of your ability at the time of graduation, and 2) be free from cash assistance TANF at the time of graduation. However, you do not need to be working or receiving TANF assistance to enroll.
You can participate in the FSS program for 6 years or graduate early if you complete your goals and fulfill the program requirements. You may also be able to access your escrow funds before graduating if you have an emergency or need help to attain a goal.
It’s important to note that the FSS program is free and signing up for (or opting out of) the program does not affect your housing; you can leave the program at any time; and you do not need to move out of BangorHousing upon graduation.
If you’d like to read more about a successful graduate of the FSS Program, we encourage you to read Athena’s Story
You can read a little more about the program here.
BangorHousing sent out letters to all residents in January with information about the program and an FSS contract. If you are interested in signing up, simply sign the contract that was mailed to you and return it to BangorHousing. If you have questions or would like to meet with an FSS coach to sign-up for the program, please contact Matt Clark at or 207-404-4505.